Course Renumbering – S

SEST – Security Studies

Old CourseNew CourseCourse Title
SEST 444SEST 4444Combating Terrorist Financing
SEST 445SEST 5445The Forensics of Mass Killings
SEST 446SEST 5446Religious Terrorism
SEST 447SEST 5447Islam/Judaism/Western Civ
SEST 448SEST 5448Israel, Russia & Eurasia
SEST 449SEST 5449Geopolitic:Russ/Eurasia/Israel
SEST 500SEST 5000Theory & Practice of Security
SEST 501SEST 5010Strategy/Policy/Military Ops
SEST 502SEST 6502Research Methods:Sec. Studies
SEST 503SEST 6503Writing:Security Professionals
SEST 504SEST 6504Becoming a Political Analyst
SEST 506SEST 6506Game Theory
SEST 507SEST 6507Intel Oversight & Reform
SEST 508SEST 6508Writing for Intel&Alt Analysis
SEST 509SEST 6509Nat Sec Planning for the 21st
SEST 510SEST 5100US National Security Policy
SEST 511SEST 6511NSC: US Policy via Simulations
SEST 512SEST 6512Congress & US Natl Sec Policy
SEST 513SEST 6513Russian Intel/Info Operations
SEST 515SEST 6515Net Assessment/Strategic Think
SEST 516SEST 6516Military Effectiveness
SEST 517SEST 6517Ops Research:Sec Studies
SEST 519SEST 6519Domestic Intell & Homeland Sec
SEST 520SEST 6520Counterinsurgency
SEST 521SEST 5210Theory & Prac of Intelligence
SEST 522SEST 6522Comparative Pol: Middle East
SEST 523SEST 6523Armed Group Mil Integration
SEST 525SEST 6525SE Asian Security
SEST 526SEST 5260Advanced Military Operations
SEST 528SEST 6750Persian Gulf Security
SEST 529SEST 6529Latin American Politics & Secu
SEST 530SEST 5300Core: International Security
SEST 531SEST 6531Great Power Strategy: US/China
SEST 532SEST 6532Comparing Intelligence Servcs
SEST 533SEST 6533Civil Wars & the Middle East
SEST 534SEST 6534Globalization & Security
SEST 536SEST 6536The UN, the US, & Peacekeeping
SEST 537SEST 5370Ethnic Conflict & Civil War
SEST 538SEST 6538Military Analysis
SEST 539SEST 6539Economics of Saudi Power
SEST 540SEST 6540PRC Intel/Security/Influence
SEST 541SEST 6541Lies&Disinformation
SEST 543SEST 6543Crisis Dec-Making & Sim
SEST 544SEST 6544Gender and Terrorism
SEST 545SEST 6545(Dis)Info Wars/Geopol Dig Age
SEST 546SEST 5460Terrorism/Counterrorism
SEST 547SEST 6547Homegrwn Radicalztn & Terr Rct
SEST 548SEST 6548Weapons Prolif&EmergSecChallen
SEST 549SEST 6549Sec Clim Change&Migration
SEST 552SEST 6552Disinformation/Info Ops&Strat
SEST 555SEST 6555Crises&Resp in Transatl Relati
SEST 556SEST 6556Global Health Security
SEST 557SEST 6557The Future of Arms Control
SEST 558SEST 6558Pol Hist of Afghanistan
SEST 559SEST 6559Missile Tech/Missile Defense
SEST 560SEST 6560Basics of Wargaming
SEST 561SEST 6561Modeling Complexity: Intl Sec
SEST 564SEST 6564U.S. Nuclear Strategy
SEST 565SEST 6565Environmental Security
SEST 566SEST 6566Bio-Technology & Security
SEST 567SEST 6567Space Technologies & Security
SEST 568SEST 6568Human Behavior in War
SEST 569SEST 6569Theory of Cyberwar
SEST 570SEST 6570African Sec Issues & Policy
SEST 571SEST 6571Security Iss in East Asia
SEST 572SEST 6572Europe, Security & Competition
SEST 573SEST 6573Security Iss in South Asia
SEST 574SEST 6574National Security Surveillance
SEST 576SEST 6576Online Terrorism and Extremism
SEST 579SEST 6579Warfare in the Middle East
SEST 580SEST 6580Stability Challenges:S/SE Asia
SEST 581SEST 6581Challenges of Chem/Bio Weapons
SEST 583SEST 6583China and its Military
SEST 584SEST 6584Global Cyber Threats
SEST 585SEST 6585Governance in North Africa
SEST 586SEST 6586EUROPE: Radicaliz & Terrorism
SEST 587SEST 6623Great Power Comp in Lat Amer
SEST 589SEST 6589Central Asia & South Caucasus
SEST 590SEST 6590Econ of Substate Violence
SEST 591SEST 6591Politcl Econ: Contemp Conflct
SEST 592SEST 6592International Arms Trade
SEST 593SEST 6593Post 9/11Terror&Intel Analysis
SEST 594SEST 6594Energy and Security
SEST 596SEST 6596Budgeting for US Nat Defense
SEST 597SEST 6597LGBTQ Iss in National Security
SEST 598SEST 6598Campaign Analysis
SEST 599SEST 6599Irregular War via Film
SEST 600SEST 6600Hate Groups and Social Media
SEST 601SEST 6601Social Media Impact on Nat Sec
SEST 602SEST 6602Violent Non-St Actrs:Wrld Pol
SEST 603SEST 6604Media and National Security
SEST 604SEST 6609Strat Engmnt & Ethical AI
SEST 605SEST 6605Terrorism: M East & N Africa
SEST 606SEST 6606National Security Law
SEST 607SEST 6607Counterintelligence Today
SEST 608SEST 6608DPRK Nuclear/Missile Programs
SEST 610SEST 6610Civil Military Relations
SEST 611SEST 6611Covert Action & Counter Intel
SEST 614SEST 6614Intelligence and Psychology
SEST 615SEST 6615Transatlantic Security&Defense
SEST 616SEST 6616Natl Sec & Climate Change
SEST 617SEST 6617Race, Religion, and Terrorism
SEST 618SEST 6618Examining Econ Devt in Africa
SEST 619SEST 6619Human Intelligence Ops
SEST 621SEST 6621Strategic Red Teaming
SEST 622SEST 6622Science and Grand Strategy
SEST 623SEST 6623Great Power Compet in Lat Am
SEST 624SEST 6624Thinking Critcly:Intel Policy
SEST 625SEST 6625Allies, Partners, & US Nat Sec
SEST 626SEST 6626Oil and International Security
SEST 627SEST 6627Adv Tech/Compet & Nat Security
SEST 628SEST 6628Trafficking: Humans/Drugs/Arms
SEST 629SEST 6629Force Planning
SEST 630SEST 6630Cyber Financial Crime
SEST 631SEST 6631Outer Space/Strat Capabilities
SEST 632SEST 6632Space Policy and Power
SEST 633SEST 6633Pandemic Crisis Management
SEST 634SEST 6634China & the Internat’l Order
SEST 635SEST 6635 / 8635Hands-on Cyber Forensics
SEST 636SEST 6636Grand Strategy
SEST 637SEST 6637Nat Security & Human Rights
SEST 638SEST 6741Online Terrorism and Extremism
SEST 639SEST 6639(En)Gendered Security
SEST 640SEST 6640Decision-making During Stress
SEST 642SEST 6642Treason, Terrorism, & Betrayal
SEST 643SEST 6643Business of National Security
SEST 644SEST 6644The Economics of War
SEST 645SEST 6645Power Politics:Greater MidEast
SEST 646SEST 6646US Defense Policy in Mideast
SEST 647SEST 6647Coups, Uprisings, & Rebellions
SEST 648SEST 6648Conflict Termination
SEST 649SEST 6649Hands-On Unconventional Tech
SEST 650SEST 5650Nuc Weapons: Hist/Strat/Tech
SEST 651SEST 6651CT Strategy and Policy
SEST 652SEST 6652Iran’s Nat Sec Policy
SEST 653SEST 6653Hands-On Cyber Investigations
SEST 654SEST 6654Distruptive Analystics
SEST 655SEST 6655Strategy:Technology Dominance
SEST 656SEST 6656Hands-On Open-Source Investig
SEST 657SEST 6657Economic Intel in Policymaking
SEST 658SEST 6658Economy and Nat Sec: 21st Cent
SEST 659SEST 6659African Armed Movements
SEST 660SEST 6660Responses to Violent Extremism
SEST 661SEST 6661A New Great Power Competition
SEST 662SEST 6662Power/Violence in Central Asia
SEST 663SEST 6663Strat. Assessment: North Korea
SEST 664SEST 6664Race and Security
SEST 665SEST 6665 / 8665Hands-On Python: Cyber Sec
SEST 666SEST 6666Risk, Markets & Natl Security
SEST 667SEST 6667Strct Techniques:Intel Anlys
SEST 668SEST 6668Nat Sec Crisis Decision Making
SEST 669SEST 6669Hands-On Cybersecurity
SEST 670SEST 6670Econ & Secrty:Korean Peninsula
SEST 671SEST 6671Nat Sec Crit Issue Task Force
SEST 672SEST 6672Natnl Cyber Sec Strat & Policy
SEST 673SEST 6673Conflict Stabilization
SEST 674SEST 6674Weapons of War
SEST 675SEST 6675The Art of War &Grand Strategy
SEST 676SEST 6676Ethics of War
SEST 677SEST 6677Russian National Security
SEST 678SEST 6678Geopolitics of Tech & Energy
SEST 679SEST 6679American Way of Spying
SEST 680SEST 6680Naval Strategy
SEST 681SEST 6681Legal Issues:Intel Officers
SEST 682SEST 6682Russia Security Eurasia/Beyond
SEST 683SEST 6683Quantum Info Sci and Nat Sec
SEST 684SEST 6684Russian Influence in Europe
SEST 685SEST 6685US Policy in MENA Since 2003
SEST 686SEST 6686Maritime Sec/Great Power Comp
SEST 688SEST 6688Irreg Warfare and Strat Compet
SEST 689SEST 6689WMD&Catastroph Terrorism
SEST 690SEST 6690Research Practicum
SEST 691SEST 6691True Crime & Amer Foreign Pol
SEST 692SEST 6692Conflict,Security&Development
SEST 693SEST 6693Domestic Terrorism
SEST 694SEST 6694Cyber Conflict/Policy Dilemmas
SEST 695SEST 6695Sec:Emerg Glb Catastroph Risks
SEST 696SEST 6696Seapower in the Indo-Pacific
SEST 697SEST 6697Conflict-relatd sexual violenc
SEST 698SEST 6698Gender & War
SEST 700SEST 6700Hunter(M)/Gatherer(F) &Nat Sec
SEST 701SEST 6701Hacking for Defense
SEST 702SEST 6702Jihadi-Salafi Violent Extremsm
SEST 706SEST 7606Global Publics & Natl Security
SEST 707SEST 6707Science of Natl Security
SEST 709SEST 6709Cybrsec Strat: Pub/Priv Persp
SEST 710SEST 7100Research Seminar
SEST 712SEST 6712Nuclear Weapons Technology
SEST 714SEST 6714Intel/Law Enforce: Cybr Domain
SEST 715SEST 6715Turkey/Russia/Iran: Hot Wars
SEST 716SEST 6716Foreign Intel Communities
SEST 717SEST 6717Ethics/Intel Support Natl Sec
SEST 718SEST 6718Intelligence & War
SEST 719SEST 6719Global Power:Wieldng Influence
SEST 720SEST 6720Finance of Transnatl Threats
SEST 721SEST 6721Nat’l Security through Fiction
SEST 722SEST 6722Arctic Security
SEST 723SEST 6723Transnational Crime
SEST 726SEST 6726Nuclear Weapons in World Polit
SEST 727SEST 6727Econ & Industrial Espionage
SEST 728SEST 6728Russian Strategy in the MidEas
SEST 729SEST 6729Intro Stats: Policy Practioner
SEST 730SEST 6730Emerging Tech & Nat Sec
SEST 731SEST 6731Int Econ & National Security
SEST 732SEST 5732Nuc Deterrence: Past,Pres&Fut
SEST 733SEST 5733Cyber Operations
SEST 734SEST 6734Artificial Intel & Natl Sec
SEST 736SEST 6736Econ of Competitrs/Adversaries
SEST 737SEST 6737Who Will Rule the 21st Century
SEST 738SEST 6738Russia and its Military
SEST 739SEST 6739Introduction to CyberHUMINT
SEST 740SEST 6740Competitive Comm Strategies
SEST 741SEST 6741Online Terrorism and Extremism
SEST 742SEST 6742Geopolitics of Energy
SEST 743SEST 6743Sanctions in US Foreign Policy
SEST 744SEST 6744Bombs, Drones, and Hypersonics
SEST 745SEST 6745Russian Propaganda & Influence
SEST 746SEST 6746Cog Psych for Security Studies
SEST 747SEST 7747Forecasting and Foresight
SEST 749SEST 6749Israel/Palest:Contemp Conflict
SEST 750SEST 6748China, BRI,&Strategic Comp
SEST 799SEST 7799Practical AI Workshop
SEST 901SEST 7949Tutorial: Security Studies
SEST 905SEST 7925SSP Internship Tutorial
SEST 991SEST 9991Continuous Registration
SEST 992SEST 9992Continuous Registration
SEST 993SEST 9993Continuous Registration
SEST 994SEST 9994Continuous Registration
SEST 999SEST 9999Thesis Research

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SOCI – Sociology

SOCI Crosswalk
Old CourseNew CourseCourse Title
SOCI 001SOCI 1001Introduction to Sociology
SOCI 022SOCI 1722Pandemics & Society
SOCI 109SOCI 3709Sociology of Health/Illness
SOCI 125SOCI 1325Death and Dying
SOCI 129SOCI 3529Revolution and Society
SOCI 131SOCI 3431Population Studies
SOCI 132SOCI 3432Immigrants and New Societies
SOCI 133SOCI 4033Race, Society & Cinema
SOCI 136SOCI 3336Religion & Society
SOCI 138SOCI 1338Identity and Religion
SOCI 139SOCI 4039Race, Color, Culture
SOCI 140SOCI 3140Social Inequality
SOCI 143SOCI 1343Sport and Society
SOCI 144SOCI 3044Race & Ethnic Relations
SOCI 145SOCI 3645Family and Society
SOCI 153SOCI 4053Politics of Comm:Afam Experien
SOCI 155SOCI 3555Social Movements
SOCI 156SOCI 3156Comparative Class, Status, Pow
SOCI 158SOCI 3558Political Sociology
SOCI 160SOCI 3260Sociology of Sexualities
SOCI 161SOCI 3261Sociology of Gender
SOCI 162SOCI 4862Education Policy
SOCI 163SOCI 3863Education and Society
SOCI 164SOCI 1364Japanese Society
SOCI 166SOCI 3466Modernization & Development
SOCI 167SOCI 1367Chinese Society
SOCI 168SOCI 4958CBL:SocEntrepreneurship/Change
SOCI 169SOCI 3369Sociology of Culture
SOCI 170SOCI 3870Social Networks
SOCI 171SOCI 3371Culture and Consumption
SOCI 173SOCI 4373Food, Farms & Society
SOCI 175SOCI 3775Science and Society
SOCI 179SOCI 3379Sociology of Food
SOCI 180SOCI 1080Latinos/Latinx in the U.S.
SOCI 191SOCI 4591Sociology of Violence
SOCI 192SOCI 3592Law and Society
SOCI 194SOCI 3594Criminology
SOCI 195SOCI 1595Sociology of Terrorism
SOCI 196SOCI 1596Comparative Law Enforcement
SOCI 197SOCI 1597Transnational Crime
SOCI 201SOCI 2901Methods of Social Research
SOCI 202SOCI 2902Sociological Theory
SOCI 203SOCI 2903Statistics for Social Research
SOCI 209SOCI 3109The City/Urban Studies
SOCI 219SOCI 4419Urban Inequality
SOCI 220SOCI 4420Global Developmnt &Soc Justice
SOCI 222SOCI 4122Gentrification/Justice/Cities
SOCI 223SOCI 4123Public Housing:Theory/Practice
SOCI 224SOCI 4624Family Diversity in America
SOCI 225SOCI 1525State, Religion, & Nationalism
SOCI 226SOCI 4426Consumerism/E.Asian Societies
SOCI 227SOCI 4427Economy & Society in East Asia
SOCI 240SOCI 1140Poverty/Inequality in America
SOCI 250SOCI 4050Race and Politics
SOCI 261SOCI 4261Sem. in Transgender Issues
SOCI 267SOCI 1467Globalization & Soc Change
SOCI 274SOCI 4954CBL:Env/Food Justice Movements
SOCI 284SOCI 4384Adv Sem: Happiness and Society
SOCI 301SOCI 4949Tutorial: SOCI
SOCI 302SOCI 3942Sociology Tutorial:Research
SOCI 303SOCI 4961Sociology Senior Seminar I
SOCI 304SOCI 4962Sociology Senior Seminar II
SOCI 305SOCI 3105Gentrification Studio
SOCI 310SOCI 4310Religion & Globalization
SOCI 355SOCI 4455Immigrants, Refugees & State

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SPAN – Spanish

Old CourseNew CourseCourse Title
SPAN 001SPAN 1000Beginning Spanish
SPAN 002SPAN 1006PSLI Intensive Spanish I
SPAN 003SPAN 1001Introductory Spanish I
SPAN 004SPAN 1002Introductory Spanish II
SPAN 006SPAN 1003Intro to Basque
SPAN 007SPAN 1004Catalan for Speaks Romance Lan
SPAN 009SPAN 1005Spanish for Speakers Rom Lang
SPAN 011SPAN 1011Intensive Basic Spanish
SPAN 012SPAN 1200PSLI Intensive Spanish II
SPAN 020SPAN 1020Int Span For Public Health I
SPAN 021SPAN 1521Intermediate Spanish I
SPAN 022SPAN 1522Intermediate Spanish II
SPAN 023SPAN 1500PSLI Intensive Spanish III
SPAN 025SPAN 1525Intrm Span: Spkrs Romance Lan
SPAN 032SPAN 1532Intensive Intermediate Spanish
SPAN 035SPAN 1535Intermed SPAN:Health Sciences
SPAN 042SPAN 1512Intermediate Catalan
SPAN 101SPAN 2001Adv Span: Transatlantic I
SPAN 102SPAN 2002Adv Span: Transatlantic II
SPAN 103SPAN 2003Advanced Spanish I
SPAN 104SPAN 2004Advanced Spanish II
SPAN 110SPAN 2011Intensive Adv: Transatlantic
SPAN 111SPAN 2012Intensive Advanced Spanish I
SPAN 112SPAN 2013Intensive Advanced Spanish II
SPAN 126SPAN 2126MULTI Intermed II and Advanced
SPAN 127SPAN 1127CALL – Adv. Span./Public Prof
SPAN 151SPAN 2151Grammar Review
SPAN 161SPAN 2161Oral Review
SPAN 199SPAN 2105Adv Spanish:Heritage Speakers
SPAN 200SPAN 3000Gateway to Culture
SPAN 202SPAN 2202Adv Span Health Sciences
SPAN 203SPAN 2203Adv Spanish:Heritage Speakers
SPAN 204SPAN 2204Adv Span:Heritage Speakers II
SPAN 207SPAN 2205Topics:
SPAN 209SPAN 2209Advanced Spanish for Business
SPAN 210SPAN 3210Intro to Span Linguistics
SPAN 237SPAN 3237Cultural Hist Span Painting
SPAN 240SPAN 3240Creative Writing
SPAN 241SPAN 3241SPAIN: Lit & Culture I
SPAN 242SPAN 3242SPAIN: Lit & Culture II
SPAN 246SPAN 3246Catalan Culture/Society
SPAN 247SPAN 3247Spanish Short Story
SPAN 261SPAN 3261LAT AMER: Lit & Culture I
SPAN 262SPAN 3262LAT AMER: Lit & Culture II
SPAN 265SPAN 3265Intro to Anthro (in Spanish)
SPAN 266SPAN 3266Latin Amer Contemp Short Story
SPAN 267SPAN 3267Lit & Society in Lat Amer
SPAN 268SPAN 3268Latin American Film
SPAN 269SPAN 3269Symp: Spanish
SPAN 270SPAN 3270Latin Amer Women Writers
SPAN 273SPAN 3273Peoples/Cultures of Lat Amer
SPAN 275SPAN 3275Ecuador:Cult/Hist/Politics
SPAN 281SPAN 3281Intro to Spanish Linguistics
SPAN 285SPAN 3285Food & Culture: Lat Amer/Intrm
SPAN 288SPAN 3288Nature/Culture in LA Interm
SPAN 290SPAN 3290Lit film Music of Mex/Mex Amer
SPAN 292SPAN 3292Book of Good Love/Intro MVST
SPAN 294SPAN 3294Race, Gender, & Ethncity in LA
SPAN 296SPAN 3296Caribbean Culture
SPAN 297SPAN 3297Sex & Sexuality Cont Sp. Lit
SPAN 299SPAN 3299Living & Learning in Spanish
SPAN 301SPAN 3941Tutorial: Spanish
SPAN 302SPAN 3942Tutorial: Spanish
SPAN 305SPAN 3350Oral Proficiency
SPAN 306SPAN 3360US Latinx Hist, Lit & Culture
SPAN 307SPAN 3307Topics:
SPAN 310SPAN 3310Reparation in the Colony
SPAN 312SPAN 3312Morphology:Latin to Mod Span
SPAN 313SPAN 3314Bilingualism: Mind and Context
SPAN 319SPAN 3313Don Quixote in English
SPAN 330SPAN 3319Spanish Phonetics
SPAN 333SPAN 3330Luso-Brazilian Cinema:Spanish
SPAN 335SPAN 3335Love,Madness & Danger:Span Lit
SPAN 336SPAN 3336Modern Spain
SPAN 339SPAN 3339Religion/Pol/Ethics in Spain
SPAN 340SPAN 3340Creative Writing
SPAN 341SPAN 3341Hispanic Cinema
SPAN 350SPAN 4150Spanish Women Writers
SPAN 351SPAN 4151Graphic Novels of LATAM
SPAN 354SPAN 4154LAT AMER: Cinematic Realism
SPAN 356SPAN 4155Exploring the Borderlands
SPAN 358SPAN 4158Food & Culture: Lat Amer/Adv
SPAN 360SPAN 4160Don Quijote
SPAN 366SPAN 4166Latin American Theater
SPAN 373SPAN 4173Peoples/Cultures of Lat Amer
SPAN 375SPAN 4175Lat Amer Historical Novel
SPAN 376SPAN 4176Modern Lat. Amer. Novel
SPAN 379SPAN 4179Garcia Marquez and Bolano
SPAN 380SPAN 4180CBL: Spanish in the Community
SPAN 381SPAN 4181US Latino Lit
SPAN 382SPAN 4182Lit Film Music of Mex/Mex Amer
SPAN 383SPAN 4183Cont. Lat. Am. Novel
SPAN 384SPAN 4184Adv Span:Heritage Speakers II
SPAN 385SPAN 4185Caribbean Lit, Film & Music
SPAN 386SPAN 4186Native Peoples of the Americas
SPAN 387SPAN 4187Medieval Spanish Cinema
SPAN 388SPAN 4188Argentn:Immig/Mass Cult/Tango
SPAN 389SPAN 4389Adv. Span for Business II
SPAN 390SPAN 4190The Boom and Beyond
SPAN 391SPAN 4191Lit & Culture: Mex. Border
SPAN 392SPAN 4192Teaching Spanish
SPAN 393SPAN 4193Catalan Art History:Advanced
SPAN 394SPAN 4194Race/Gender/Ethn in Lat Amer
SPAN 395SPAN 4195Translation As A Way Out
SPAN 396SPAN 4196CBL Span Socioling Race&Nation
SPAN 397SPAN 4197Race & Ethnicity in Latin Amer
SPAN 398SPAN 4198Lit,Film,Music & Human Rights
SPAN 399SPAN 4199Lat AM Boom (In English)
SPAN 400SPAN 4000Senior Honors Thesis
SPAN 402SPAN 4520Frida K. & Mex Art (English)
SPAN 403SPAN 4530Early Mod Hispanic Black Atlan
SPAN 406SPAN 4660Intro to Critical Theory
SPAN 407SPAN 4930Topics:
SPAN 412SPAN 4522Structure of Spanish Lang
SPAN 415SPAN 4512The Amazon in Latin Am Culture
SPAN 421SPAN 4515Brazilian Cinema (In Spanish)
SPAN 425SPAN 4521Lat Amer Poetry & Visual Arts
SPAN 426SPAN 4525Spanish Dialectology
SPAN 427SPAN 4526Hist of Span Language
SPAN 431SPAN 4531Semantics & Pragmatics I
SPAN 432SPAN 4532Semantics & Pragmatics II
SPAN 436SPAN 4536Colonial/Post Col Visions
SPAN 440SPAN 4540Borges and His Followers
SPAN 441SPAN 4541Modern Latin American Poetry
SPAN 443SPAN 4543Medieval Spanish Lit
SPAN 445SPAN 4545SEM: Heroes & Myths
SPAN 446SPAN 4546Hispanic Theater inPerformance
SPAN 447SPAN 4547Early Modern Spanish Theatre
SPAN 448SPAN 4548Journalism and Media in Lat Am
SPAN 450SPAN 4549(De)colonizing the Indigenous
SPAN 452SPAN 4550Medieval Genders
SPAN 453SPAN 4551Spanish Mystics
SPAN 454SPAN 4552Miguel de Unamuno and his time
SPAN 455SPAN 4553Hero & Myth: Lit & Cult. Eval
SPAN 456SPAN 4554Survey of Brazilian Literature
SPAN 457SPAN 4555Culture and Spectacles
SPAN 459SPAN 4556Ecocriticism in Hispanic World
SPAN 462SPAN 4557Other Gods/Heroes:Am-Ind Myths
SPAN 463SPAN 4558Early Modern Spanish Lit
SPAN 464SPAN 4559Don Quixote
SPAN 465SPAN 4560Lit., Film & Music of Mexico
SPAN 467SPAN 4561La América clásica
SPAN 472SPAN 4562Cervantes & His World
SPAN 473SPAN 4563Explring Brderlnds:Cultrl Frnt
SPAN 475SPAN 4564Travel Literature:Self & Other
SPAN 477SPAN 4565Sensory Worlds
SPAN 479SPAN 4566Cont. Lat. Am. Novel
SPAN 485SPAN 4567Ethnography:Colombia Conflict
SPAN 486SPAN 4568El modernismo en Am. Latin
SPAN 487SPAN 4569Lit, Film, & Musc of CENT AM
SPAN 488SPAN 4570U.S. Latin American Relations
SPAN 489SPAN 4571Libro de Buen Amor
SPAN 491SPAN 4572Book History& 1st Best-Sellers
SPAN 492SPAN 4573Asian&African Lit in Spanish
SPAN 493SPAN 4574Framed:Stories that Move in Ch
SPAN 494SPAN 4960Senior Capstone
SPAN 495SPAN 4961Problems of Contemp Democracy
SPAN 496SPAN 4962Adaptation
SPAN 497SPAN 4963Cult & Pol of Sound LA/Spain
SPAN 498SPAN 4964Transatl Cross:Spain &Lat Amer
SPAN 499SPAN 4965World Spanishes
SPAN 500SPAN 5000Spanish Methodology
SPAN 501SPAN 5010Spanish and Social Meaning
SPAN 507SPAN 5070Topics:
SPAN 509SPAN 5090Instructed SLA
SPAN 511SPAN 5110Spanish Phonology I
SPAN 512SPAN 5120Spanish Phonology II
SPAN 525SPAN 5250Baroque Utopias
SPAN 527SPAN 5257Generative Syntax I
SPAN 528SPAN 5258Generative Syntax II
SPAN 532SPAN 5320Semantics & Pragmatics II
SPAN 534SPAN 5340Medieval Genders
SPAN 536SPAN 5360Issues in Spanish Syntax
SPAN 537SPAN 5370Race & Mestizaje:Latin America
SPAN 538SPAN 5380Exploring Ethnographic Writing
SPAN 540SPAN 5540Lat Amer Graphic Narrative
SPAN 541SPAN 5541Spanish Cinema & Natl Identity
SPAN 550SPAN 5550Nueva Novela Historica Latinoa
SPAN 551SPAN 5551Post-War Spanish Novel
SPAN 555SPAN 5555LAT AMER: Cine y Realismo
SPAN 588SPAN 5588Computer Assist. Lang Learning
SPAN 597SPAN 5597SEM: Current Trands Span Phon
SPAN 598SPAN 5598Digital/Medieval/Postmodern
SPAN 599SPAN 5599Lat. American Cultural Theory
SPAN 615SPAN 5600Syntax/Semantics Interface
SPAN 700SPAN 7000Spanish and Social Meaning
SPAN 715SPAN 7015SLA: Depth of Processing in L2
SPAN 716SPAN 7016Topics:
SPAN 725SPAN 7017Sem:Study Abroad & Lg Developm
SPAN 726SPAN 7018L2 Devel & Study Abroad
SPAN 727SPAN 7019STAT Meth in SLA Research
SPAN 728SPAN 7020Sem on Biling & Cognition
SPAN 729SPAN 7729IDs & Learning Contexts in SLA
SPAN 731SPAN 7021Intro Systemic Functional Ling
SPAN 750SPAN 7022SEM: Conditionals
SPAN 760SPAN 7023Lang Attitudes and Identities
SPAN 789SPAN 7024Written Corrective Feedback
SPAN 797SPAN 7025Processes in L2 Learning
SPAN 798SPAN 7026Technology & L2 Learning
SPAN 901SPAN 7949Tutorial: Spanish
SPAN 991SPAN 9991Continuous Registration
SPAN 992SPAN 9992Continuous Registration
SPAN 993SPAN 9993Continuous Registration
SPAN 994SPAN 9994Continuous Registration
SPAN 999SPAN 9999Thesis Research

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STIA – Science, Technology, & Intl Af

Old CourseNew CourseCourse Title
STIA 202STIA 2102Climate and Humanity
STIA 210STIA 2510Data Science for STIA
STIA 215STIA 1115COVID19 and the Environment
STIA 227STIA 2270Environmental Geoscience
STIA 228STIA 2128Environmental Geoscience Lab
STIA 250 STIA 2225Intro to Ecological Security
STIA 251STIA 1251Emerging Diseases after COVID
STIA 252STIA 2152Water, Science, and Society
STIA 253STIA 1353The Promise of 3D Printing
STIA 254STIA 2454Weapons of Mass Destruction
STIA 301STIA 4949Tutorial: STIA
STIA 305STIA 3005Science Tech in Global Arena
STIA 310STIA 3930CLab:Applied Biotechnology
STIA 312STIA 3512Python for Policy
STIA 313STIA 3513Data Wrangling with Python
STIA 315STIA 3932CLab: Int’l Air Quality
STIA 316STIA 3934CLab: AI and Society
STIA 318STIA 3118Energy and Int’l Sec.
STIA 321STIA 3936CLab: Civic Tech Lab
STIA 322STIA 3222Global Health Sys + Pol
STIA 327STIA 3127Environment in Africa
STIA 330STIA 3130Green Revolutions
STIA 331STIA 3331Disruptive Technologies
STIA 332STIA 3132Ecosys Management in Int’l Dev
STIA 334STIA 3334Nobody’s Backyard:Grenada IFW
STIA 336STIA 3336Technology and Futures of Work
STIA 341STIA 3241Global Health Politics &Policy
STIA 343STIA 3443Emerging Tech & Security
STIA 345STIA 3345Social Innovation @ Scale
STIA 350STIA 3150Gender, Env & Sustainability
STIA 351STIA 3451Spaceflight and Society
STIA 352STIA 3352Dev:Theory to Practice
STIA 353STIA 3153Energy and Sustainability
STIA 354STIA 3254War, Trauma, and Recovery
STIA 355STIA 3255Global Medicine & Technology
STIA 356STIA 3256Global Health &Humanitarianism
STIA 357STIA 3257Global Health Foundations
STIA 358STIA 3258Global Health & Law
STIA 359STIA 3159Environmental Security
STIA 360STIA 4217Global Health Financing
STIA 361STIA 4161The Electric Grid
STIA 362STIA 3262Culture, Reproductive Sci&Tech
STIA 363STIA 3263Global Health and the SDGs
STIA 364STIA 4164Env Security in the Arctic
STIA 365STIA 4156Life on High Seas: Ecol&Plcy
STIA 366STIA 3266Global Health through Film
STIA 368STIA 4219Health System Inequality &Dev
STIA 369STIA 3469Cryptocurrency
STIA 370STIA 3170Oceanography
STIA 371STIA 3171Ocean Law, Dev & Global Sec
STIA 372STIA 4172Water Conflict and Peace
STIA 373STIA 3173Environmental Policy
STIA 374STIA 4174Intl Energy Governance
STIA 375STIA 3375Science Innov & Entrepreneurs
STIA 376STIA 3376Financial Tech: Global South
STIA 377STIA 3277Emerging Infectious Diseases
STIA 379STIA 3279Planetary Health Law
STIA 381STIA 3181Water
STIA 382STIA 3182Energy Finance, Pol & Markets
STIA 384STIA 3284Global Health, Law & Governanc
STIA 386STIA 3486Defense Technology
STIA 387STIA 3387Emerging Tech & Sci Fi
STIA 388STIA 3388Tech & Global Economy
STIA 389STIA 3389Designing Development: Africa
STIA 391STIA 3491Cybersecurity: Policy/Tech/Ops
STIA 392STIA 3292Global Health Strategies
STIA 393STIA 3493Intro to Nuclear Security
STIA 394STIA 3294Global Health Security & Dipl
STIA 395STIA 3295Biotech & Security
STIA 396STIA 3196Envir. Change/Engaging the Pub
STIA 397STIA 3197EnvirSustainablty&Bus Strategy
STIA 398STIA 3598Methods in Health Geography
STIA 399STIA 3399Data & Democracies
STIA 402STIA 4102Clean Energy Innovation
STIA 403STIA 4303Haiti: Development Case Study
STIA 404STIA 4204Conversations in Global Health
STIA 405STIA 4305Tech & Gov’t Transparency
STIA 406STIA 4406Space Security + Exploration
STIA 407STIA 4407National Sec/Risk/Politics
STIA 408STIA 4203Decolonizing Global Health
STIA 409STIA 4409Sci, Technology, & Soft Power
STIA 412STIA 4961Sr. Sem: Climate Sci & Policy
STIA 413STIA 4932CLab:IntlClimate Pol&Diplomacy
STIA 415STIA 4415AI and Autonomous Systems
STIA 416STIA 4416Spaceflight and Globalization
STIA 417STIA 4117Sea Lvl Change&Cstl Adaptation
STIA 418STIA 4318EmergTech Governance in SciFi
STIA 419STIA 4119Energy & Environ in Eurasia
STIA 420STIA 4420Cybersecurity Confl + Policy
STIA 421STIA 3221Global Health Foundations
STIA 423STIA 4323Global Hunger
STIA 424STIA 4962Sr. Sem: Water
STIA 427STIA 4371AI Gov and National Policy
STIA 431STIA 4131Phys & Chem of Earth’s Climate
STIA 432STIA 4432Technology & Intelligence
STIA 434STIA 4434Artificial Intel: Pol Prob
STIA 435STIA 4963Sr.Sem: Pol for Cln Air & Hlth
STIA 436STIA 4136Air Quality Innovation
STIA 438STIA 4934CLab: Syndemics
STIA 440STIA 4440NucSciTech
STIA 441STIA 3541Geographic Info Systems
STIA 442STIA 4964Sr Sem: Big Data & Politics
STIA 443STIA 4243Med/Health,Soc/Power:India
STIA 445STIA 4965Sr Sem: NucProlifCrisis
STIA 451STIA 4966SR Sem:Energy&Environmnt:China
STIA 452STIA 4252Conversations with GLID
STIA 454STIA 4554Remote Sensing
STIA 455STIA 4355Reimagining Tech in Africa
STIA 456STIA 4356Technology & Int’l Development
STIA 458STIA 4967Sr. Sem: Surveil, Govern & IT
STIA 459STIA 4968Sr Sem:People/Plagues/Tech
STIA 460STIA 4969Sr.Sem:Mind Madness Meditation
STIA 475STIA 4375Financial Markets & Int’l Sec
STIA 481STIA 4930CLab: Destabilized Arctic
STIA 482STIA 4931CLab: Destabil Arctic (IFW)
STIA 498STIA 4998Sr Sem: Honors Research Sem
STIA 499STIA 4999STIA Honors Thesis

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STRT – Strategy

STRT Crosswalk
Old CourseNew CourseCourse Title
STRT 230STRT 2101Ethical Values of Business
STRT 255STRT 3255Moral Fndations of Market Soc
STRT 261STRT 3260International Business
STRT 265STRT 2265Business-Govt Relations
STRT 270STRT 4270Adv International Business
STRT 283STRT 3101Strategic Management
STRT 301STRT 4949Tutorial
STRT 550STRT 6500Ethical Leadership
STRT 555STRT 6555Washington Business &the World
STRT 556STRT 6556The Miracle of Markets?
STRT 557STRT 6557Strategies Beyond the Market
STRT 559STRT 6537IntellectualProperty Valuation
STRT 560STRT 6505Bus & Policy in Global Economy
STRT 573STRT 6573Tech Disruption&Future of Work
STRT 574STRT 6574Law,Money&Financl Macrodynamcs
STRT 585STRT 6575Peer to Peer Economics
STRT 591STRT 6545Economics of Strategic Behavio
STRT 592STRT 6546Organizational Design Strategy
STRT 601STRT 6601Applied Economics & Modeling
STRT 602STRT 6602Data Ethics and Privacy
STRT 604STRT 6591China: Econ, Politics&Business
STRT 605STRT 6605Economics of Climate Change
STRT 608STRT 6592EU: Trade, Labor & the Market
STRT 610STRT 6560Corp Social Responsibility
STRT 611STRT 6535Game Theory
STRT 615STRT 6542Technology Strategy
STRT 621STRT 6531Antitrust & Business Strategy
STRT 624STRT 6534Strategic Pricing
STRT 789STRT 6540Global Strategy
STRT 901STRT 7949Tutorial: Strategy

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SYSM – Systems Medicine

SYSM Crosswalk
Old CourseNew CourseCourse Title
SYSM 560SYSM 5600Systems Thinking
SYSM 561SYSM 5610System Architecting and Design
SYSM 562SYSM 5620Design Thinking and Syst Eng
SYSM 563SYSM 5630Syst. Integ, Verif. and Valid.
SYSM 570SYSM 5700Microbiome & Health: Clin Apps
SYSM 571SYSM 5710Genomics Precision Med Policy
SYSM 572SYSM 5720Physiological Genomics
SYSM 573SYSM 5730Innovation in Medicine
SYSM 574SYSM 5740Intro to Clinical Anatomy
SYSM 575SYSM 5750Selected Topics:Personaliz Med
SYSM 576SYSM 5760Genomics in the Lab
SYSM 577SYSM 5770Medical Biochemistry
SYSM 578SYSM 5780Intro to Mach Lrning BioM Data
SYSM 585SYSM 5850An Intro to Genomic Medicine
SYSM 590SYSM 5900Applctn of Biostat to Big Data
SYSM 591SYSM 5910Biomedical Informatics
SYSM 592SYSM 5920Cancer BioInformatics
SYSM 593SYSM 5930Critical Read/Sys Medicine
SYSM 594SYSM 5940Translational Bioinformatics
SYSM 595SYSM 5950Clinician Information Needs
SYSM 596SYSM 5960Clinical Metabolomics
SYSM 597SYSM 5970Clinical Bioinformatics
SYSM 598SYSM 5980Informatics Grandrounds
SYSM 602SYSM 7950Systems Med. Internship
SYSM 604SYSM 7951Sysm Med Internship-I
SYSM 605SYSM 7952Systems Med Intership II
SYSM 691SYSM 7953Case-based Practicum I
SYSM 692SYSM 7954Case-based Practicum II
SYSM 901SYSM 9001SYSM Tutorial
SYSM 902SYSM 9002Tutorial: Systems Medicine
SYSM 994SYSM 9994Continuous Registration

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