Course Renumbering Crosswalks

Course Renumbering by Subject

Effective Fall 2023, all main campus courses have been renumbered using a new 4-digit numbering system. To find more information about this project and find answers to frequently asked questions, please see the Course Renumbering Project page on the University Registrar site. Use the links on the side of the page to view the course renumbering crosswalk by letter.

Course Renumbering System

New Numbering System
Course RangeCourse Type/Description
0100-0799Administrative Use Only – SABR Study abroad courses (0100 – 0499 Undergraduate; 0500-0799 Graduate). OGE will utilize these numbers to track study abroad locations; tuition is also set up in the SABR placeholder.
0800-0999Administrative Use Only – Non-credit (non-graded) courses, placeholder courses (example ATHL – Athletics), and pre-college classes (generally numbered 0810-0899)
1000-1999Lower-level introductory undergraduate courses. Generally, no prerequisites or remedial courses
2000-2999Lower-level intermediate undergraduate courses. May have prerequisites.
3000-3999Upper-level intermediate undergraduate courses. Likely have prerequisites or require permission from the course instructor.
4000-4999 Upper-level advanced undergraduate courses. May normally have prerequisites or permission from the course instructor. (Includes under/over courses.) Classes in the 4000-4999 level will count as a graduate classes for graduate students.
5000-5999General and introductory graduate level courses; normally master level. May normally have prerequisites or permission from the course instructor (may also include under/over courses, advanced undergraduates may enroll for credit)
6000-6999Intermediate-level graduate and professional courses; normally master level. May require prerequisites or permission from the instructor. Classes are restricted to graduate students. Faculty may allow undergraduates to be administrative enrolled with the permission of their advisor.
7000-7999Intermediate-level graduate and professional courses; normally master level. Includes graduate-level research, thesis, and dissertation activities. Normally have prerequisites or permission from the instructor. Classes are restricted to graduate students. Faculty may allow undergraduates to be administrative enrolled with the permission of their advisor.
8000-9999Doctoral level, advanced graduate-level and professional courses. Includes graduate-level research, thesis, and dissertation activities. Must have prerequisites or permission from the instructor. Classes are restricted to graduate students. Faculty may allow undergraduates to be administrative enrolled with the permission of their advisor. .

Course Renumbering Convention: Undergraduate

Undergraduate Numbering Convention
New Number/RangeCourse Type/Description
4900-4999Senior Level Experiences
4998, 4999Honors Thesis
4980-4989Honors Senior Seminars; Honor Symposium
4970-4979Capstone Project (includes art studios, performances, and ensembles)
4960-4969Senior Seminars, Colloquiums
4950-4959Field Research, Internships, Coop Education, Community Based Learning, Research Intensives
4940-4948Independent Study / Readings / Tutorials
4949Unique (one-term) tutorials created by the registrar’s office for undergraduates.
4930-4939Special Topics, Experimental Courses
4925Senior – Curricular Practical Training (CPT)
3900-3999Junior Level Experiences
3980-3989Honors Junior Seminars
3960-3969Junior Seminars, Colloquiums
3950-3969Field Research, Internships, Coop Education, Community Based Learning, Research Intensives
3940-3949Independent Study / Readings created by the department
3930-3939Special Topics, Experimental Courses
3925Junior -Curricular Practical Training (CPT)
0100-2999Lower Level Experiences
100X, 200X, 300X, 400XAdministrative Use only – Undergraduate level transfer courses that have no direct equivalency at Georgetown (courses will end with an X)
1010-1019First Year Seminars or Experiences
2925Sophomore – Curricular Practical Training (CPT)
0100 – 0899Administrative Use Only – Non-credit courses, placeholder courses (e.g. study abroad) 

Course Renumbering Convention: Graduate & Professional

Graduate Numbering Convention
New Number/Range Course Type/Description
9999Doctoral Research / Project / Thesis / Dissertation
9990Continuous Registration
9001 – 9004Tutorials
8000 – 8999Doctoral level courses
7990 – 7999Graduate Thesis / Research
7950 – 7959Field Research, Internships, Cooperative Education
7940 – 7948Independent Study / Readings
7949Unique (one-term) tutorials created by the registrar’s office for graduates.
6000 – 7899Intermediate-level graduate and professional courses. May require prerequisite or permission from the instructor.
500X – 599XGraduate-level transfer work – no direct equivalency at Georgetown (courses will end with an X)
5000 – 5899General and introductory graduate level courses. (includes under/over courses, undergraduates may enroll with permission of their advisor for credit)
5925Graduate – Curricular Practical Training (CPT)
4000-4999Under/over classes

Pre-Fall 2023 Course Numbering Convention

Pre-Fall 2023 Course Numbering Convention
Old Number/RangeCourse Type/Description
001-199Undergraduate Only
200-299Upperclass Undergraduate
300-399Undergraduate Tutorials, Readings, Research
350-499Upperclass Undergraduate & Graduate
500-699Graduate Lectures
700-899Graduate Seminars
900-999Graduate Research, Tutorials, Readings
999Thesis Research